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Eulalia Castellanos Llauger

Partner. Procuradora de los Tribunales (Court Liaison).

“Our mission is to add value to our clients and to the Justice.”


  • Law Degree, Universidad de Barcelona, 1990.
  • Three years of Ph.D. in Law, Universidad de Barcelona.
  • Course of Civil Procedural law (San Paul CEU; 2013).
  • Formation for Attorneys’ Offices Program (ESADE; 2014).
  • Course on the fundamentals of personal data protection (ICAB; 2019).
  • Postgraduate degree in labor law of the company (UOC; 2021).

Professional profile

  • Barcelona Court Liaison Association (ICPB) member (number 428).
  • Granollers Bar Association (ICAVOR) member (not in exercise; number 1902).
  • She exercises as Court Liaison in Barcelona, Madrid, Badalona, Cerdanyola,  L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Sant Boi of Llobregat, Cornellà de Llobregat, Gavà, The Prat de Llobregat, Esplugues de Llobregat and Sant Feliu of Llobregat, Mataró, Ruby, Terrassa, Sabadell, Vic, Granollers and Mollet.
  • Real estate agent since 2002.
  • Has taken part in ICPB Commission about of Courts and Legal Aid Cases.
  • ICPB General Secretary (2011-2015).
  • Member of the Catalonia Court Liaison General Advice (2011-2015).
  • Currently: ICPB General Secretary (2023-).
  • Currently: Vice-Secretary of the Consell general de Procuradors de Catalunya (2023-).

Educational and academic collaboration

  • Title of teacher;  Accés a la procura / abogacía Master (2023) issued by CGPE.
  • Speaker; “Digitalización y eficiencia procesal en la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa” VII Congreso de la Abogacía de Barcelona ICAB (2022).
  • Teacher; Máster de acceso a la Abogacía y Procura (ISDE) (2023).
  • Teacher; Máster de acceso a la Abogacía y Procura (UB) (2024).